Consulting and Transformation

What are the moments that matter, and how do you want your customers to feel? Define the experience.
Become more customer-centric. Design seamless brand experiences​ across all channels.
Align organization and KPIs to the new experience.
Transform your CX through insights, pragmatic experience and a robust roadmap.

Design and Deploy Experiences

Our clients are constantly evolving. Improving and changing their organizations, their strategies, their technologies, their products, their services, their people, in response to their customers’ changing needs. We partner with brands to support these transformations, at any stage of the journey.

CX is an ecosystem. For CX to work everything must work together

Explore all the elements for a complete successful CX transformation.

Experience transformation is holistic. Your off-stage strategies, processes, values and insights must flow through into meaningful, multi-channel experiences that delight your customers. Click on the diagram to find out more

People Partnerships

Focus on relationships, experiences, and human connections.

Experience transformation is about being relevant and impactful in the hearts and minds of your customers. It is about delivering effortless and satisfying experiences, consistently, through motivated and engaged teams, supported by tailored coaching and training. Focus on relationships, not transactions. Experiences, not products. Build organizational structures that facilitate cross-functional collaboration and knowledge sharing, while leveraging the power of tech to enable better, informed and more human connections.

Vision Strategy

Don’t just think about your customers, you need to think like your customers.

In order to develop an effective CX transformation plan, it is essential to have a clear vision of the ideal CX future state that employees can commit to and engage with. A strong CX vision provides context and direction, while also inspiring and exciting both customers and colleagues. It guides how the CX plan is brought to life on-stage and off-stage, helping you to prioritise and align investments, develop tactics and define a strategy to achieve it.

Data Technology

Your ability to transform experiences is defined by the quality of the data on your customers and employees

Data provides more knowledge about behavior, experience, and business performance. Combined with customer feedback and sentiment, this information is the foundation for improvement. It’s essential to create a technical infrastructure that supports cross-functional operations and journey-focused CX management. Omnichannel and single touchpoint technology solutions are a key focus, whether they are engaging buyers online through e-commerce platforms, fostering seamless in-person customer encounters in store, or integrating online and offline brand experiences.

Brand Culture

Employee experience and organizational culture drive customer experience.

Transforming customer experience therefore means transforming employee experience as well. Does the current culture support or damage the delivery of your brand experience? Think about how you want your customers to feel, and create an internal culture around the same values. What are the key messages you want your employees to communicate about your brand? And how can you create an environment that supports them in delivering those messages?

Organisation Operations

Customer experience is a competence, not a function.

In transforming experiences, the aim is to engage ever more seamlessly with your customers. Your organization and operations need to be designed in a way that facilitates a smooth, consistent and joined-up-omnichannel experience. Think about what is having the greatest impact on your customer experience today. What needs to be done to simplify and change it? New off-stage processes and procedures should be created to drive collaboration and work across functional groups to deliver impactful client experiences.

Leadership Governance

Leading customer experience and employee experience is a C-suite activity.

It’s vital to consider what customer-centric mindset is needed to impact your on-stage customer experiences, and what needs to be done ‘off-stage’ to orchestrate the transformation. Getting this right means truly understanding your customers’ needs; having a clear vision of your CX vision and communicating it clearly and convincingly; bringing your CX strategies to life; and monitoring – and learning from – your performance. Sustainable transformation also needs a clear governance system for regular review, alignment and decision making.

The Omnichannel Promise

Have you harmonised your customer-centric retail brand experience? Are all your touchpoints aligned?

Customers are more connected than ever before, interacting with brands across multiple channels every day. Whether shopping online from a desktop or mobile device, by telephone, or in a traditional store, they want to interact though the channel that’s convenient to them at that moment. It’s the customer, not the channel, who should be at the centre of the experience. How seamless is their experience as they go from one channel to another? How are you removing the friction as they move between different touchpoints?

Transforming Experiences

Understanding, evaluating and anticipating the needs of your customers must be your priority.

Transforming experiences requires rigour and alignment across your entire organisation. For customer experience to work, it all has to work. Helping everyone in your organisation to understand and acknowledge this allows you to drive a customer-centric strategy; an impactful leadership experience; an engaged and motivated employee experience; and a powerfully sustainable, impactful and profitable customer experience.

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Our 3-Lens Approach

Embracing diverse perspectives is essential for staying ahead of the curve. By examining situations and challenges through the lenses of customers, teams, and experts, we uncover nuances and interconnections that may otherwise remain hidden. This approach addresses issues at their roots rather than merely treating symptoms.


Your Customers’ Perspective

It all starts here! We delve into how your customers perceive the experiences you offer across channels and analyze how these experiences align with their expectations and desires at every touchpoint of their journey with your brand.


Your Teams’ Perspective

Your teams are the backbone of your brand’s success. We review your the aspirations set by your leadership and delve into the challenges faced by your teams in achieving these ambitions across different functions and levels. By identifying pain points and practical challenges, we pave the way for enhanced engagement and performance


Our Expert Perspective

For CX to work, everything must work together. We assess your omnichannel ecosystem, internal organization structures, and the operational intricacies of your physical stores, from back-of-house operations and incentives schemes to team dynamics and front-of-house interactions, among other elements.


Let us partner for success.

Contact us and see how our CX transformation consultants can help.

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How we help you

We work to understand your needs at any stage of their transformation, and design tailor-made methodologies to address the unique challenges you are facing. We have a practical, pragmatic approach, and provide actionable insights to maximize impact and drive change

CX Ecosystem Assessment

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CX Ecosystem Assessment

A holistic assessment of your brand’s entire CX ecosystem, including the on-stage experience and off-stage drivers.

CX Strategy Definition

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CX Strategy Definition

Definition of your brand’s CX vision and ambitions in alignment with its overarching business strategy, and development of an actionable roadmap to drive results.

Omnichannel CX Consistency Assessement

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Omnichannel CX Consistency Assessement

Analysis of your brand image, offerings and client interactions on online platforms to evaluate CX consistency and seamlessness across touchpoints.

Customer Journey Mapping

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Customer Journey Mapping

Design of your omnichannel customer journey through the analysis of real customers’ feedback, existing frictions and ‘wow’ elements.

Transformation Support – Program Management Office

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Transformation Support – Program Management Office

Program Management Office design and deployment to facilitate your brand’s CX transformation via effective coordination and monitoring of initiatives.

CX Executive Dashboards

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CX Executive Dashboards

Design of management dashboards for your brand executives, with key CX and business performance indicators, complemented by relevant insights and executive highlights.

Leadership Support Taskforce

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Leadership Support Taskforce

Acting as a sounding board for your leadership team through regular sessions with various experts to challenge, advise, brainstorm, and innovate.

Contact Us

Some brands we work with



Despite our complexity, CXG had a perfect knowledge of our brand’s DNA. They were able to understand deeply how important customer experience has been always important for us since the beginning of the Maison. They have demonstrated continuous collaboration and partnership. Their inputs have been impactful and pushed us to go even further in this period of extensive transformation that is happening in retail today.

Stephan Borczuch, International Retail Training Director, Berluti



The reports are very well done and give us a very clear understanding of where we are and what we need to do next.

Laura Broughton, Head of Global Training, Bally



We have been involved in the process to create a new strategy that works for where we are in our brand journey. There is a genuine interest in a collaborative process and constant improvement from the CXG side.

Paula Bricks, COS



Our partnership with CXG has helped us take our client experience to the next level. They’ve helped us identify opportunities in the way we engage our guests and clients, including how we could better cater to Gen Z: Simple design, great content and clear takeaways. This is exactly what we needed!

Head of Retail Excellence, IWC



L’Oréal’s partnership with CXG has enabled us to conduct experience measurement, focus group and market benchmarking research effectively and efficiently over the last five years. Thanks to CXG, we have worked hand-in-hand to conduct over 37,000 surveys and research studies. These have resulted in world-class findings to help our brands to constantly improve their customer experience systems and skillsets.

Patrick Liew
