What’s On Our Mind in The World of Luxury? Queue Management!

What’s On Our Mind in The World of Luxury? Queue Management!


“The word queue is ironic. It’s just Q with a bunch of silent letters waiting in line.” (Unknown)

And this is not the only irony inherent in queues. While most people are annoyed by the idea of queuing, queues in front of luxury brands can signal brand power and loyalty. The longer the queue, the greater the brand’s desirability.

In a way, this notion is the same as the principle which dictates why we do not like to eat in empty restaurants. We are instead drawn to busy establishments. The rationale is that if a place is busy, it must be very good.

If queueing is seen as a signal of desirability, why do luxury brands worry about it?

Because how you manage a queue can make the queuing experience go from pleasant and entertaining to unacceptable and alienating. If mismanaged, it can lead to reputational damage and negative word of mouth. However, if done right, it also represents anopportunity to foster engagement and loyalty and turn waiting time into a memorable experience. The crucial question is: when do customers reach a tipping point?

Most brands are searching for strategies to mitigate the risks of queuing. Some examples include:

  • Having dedicated, luxurious waiting rooms,that promote a sense of relaxation.
  • Deploying virtual queueing and time slot scheduling systems, which allow clients to control and optimize their “wait time.”
  • Using immersive technologies like digital screens to showcase new collections and immerse in brand storytelling.
  • Creating art installations to establish a space for social interaction, encouraging customers to take pictures and share them on social media.

These initiatives are mostly tactical, localized, and ad-hoc responses. However, a strategic approach to queue management as an integral part of the customer experience is often absent.

Queue management is an art and a science. Queueing tolerance varies by demographic, geography, and culture. At CXG, we have considered these factors to develop a proprietary framework for assessing queuing experiences, designing queuing management strategies, activating them, and monitoring their impact on the customer experience.


by Silvia Coleman
VP of Thought Leadership at CXG
Follow me on LinkedIn.

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